Sam Houston Park in TX 77002
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❤️ Sam Houston Park in Houston, Texas 77002, United States with ⏰ hours, address, map, directions, prices, photos, ☎️ phone, reviews…One of the best tourist attractions in Texas.
Have you ever been to this place? If you haven’t gone yet, you should check it out!
About Sam Houston Park in TX 77002
Historically focused park featuring guided tours of old structures dating back to the 1800s.
Sam Houston Park is a proud oasis of living history and wide-open greenness amid modern monuments to corporate and civic institutions and home to the Heritage Society.
Surrounded by the skyscrapers and freeways that typify 21st Century urban life, a short walk from City Hall, it reminds us all to breathe in fresh air and remember the gentility and nobility of the lives lived by those who built our great city and improved it through their efforts.
If you visit Houston, Texas, and are looking for a tourist attraction, you might want to check out Sam Houston Park. This place has been around for years and is known for its good service and landscapes. Sam Houston Park is a great place to unwind and enjoy the moment with friends and family.
❤️You can experience happiness by going to Sam Houston Park 77002, which is located ⭐at 1000 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002.✅ There is the address of this place. If anything about the address, phone number, website, or fan page is wrong or has changed, please let us know… Tell us to make sure everyone knows about this favorite place. Have a good time!
Best things to do at Sam Houston Park in Texas 77002
❤️ Sam Houston Park in TX 77002 would be a great place for you to visit,⭐ with the best activities and events such as✅ historical, family-friendly, kid-friendly, and more…
Opening Hours
- Mon-Sun: 7 am – 9 pm
Nearby zip codes close to this place
- ZIP Code 77003, Houston, TX
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- ZIP Code 77007, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77009, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77010, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77019, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77020, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77026, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77201, Houston, TX
What do people say about Sam Houston Park in Houston, Texas 77002?
- Such a wonderful walk through Houston’s past, with eight historic structures, including a log cabin and St. John Church, dating back as far as 1823. Gorgeous trees and walkways Spend the day and stroll through history. You can even purchase tickets and take a private tour of these beautiful structures. Parking is free.
- Nice park in the middle of downtown. Multiple historic houses and a church. And a small art museum. The park seems well maintained, and we only saw 2 or 3 homeless people. You can tour the homes, but the days and times are limited. There’s also interesting architecture in the area outside the park.
- A very lovely and quiet park. It was nice walking around and looking at the different houses.
- nice, quiet park on the weekends. I visited this place on a Sunday. It has some historic homes within the park. It was nice to sit around and see some of these houses from outside. Can’t go into the houses. Very peaceful and has lots of shade with the large trees.
- The Houston Half 10K race Nice and manageable crowd. The park had a good layout for pre-and post-race activities. It is easy to find tents for running clubs, such as PARR’s orange tent. The food area was spacious enough for all vendor samples and giveaways.
- The best park in Houston I often bring visitors to the city because it is so unique. There’s a nice park bench by the pond near the bayou with some very self-assured ducks that always crack me up.
Map & Direction
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Location / Contacts
- Address : 1000 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002
- Phone : +1-832-394-8805
- Website :
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