St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, TX 77498
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❤️ St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas 77498, United States with ⏰ hours, address, map, directions, prices, photos, ☎️ phone, reviews…One of the best tourist attractions in Texas.
Have you ever been to this place? If you haven’t gone yet, you should check it out!
About St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, TX 77498
Regardless of where you’re coming from, we are glad that you came. It was 90 years ago that the small railroad town of Sugar Land laid the foundation for its first Catholic Church: Saint Theresa’s. Now at its second campus and having been expanded four times to accommodate its growth, our parish stands as a testament to God’s providence and a model for the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith. I consider it a great privilege and a singular grace to be able to serve you as Pastor during this time of immense growth and enrichment.
Please know that Saint Theresa Catholic Church is a place that stands ready to help you accept Christ’s invitation in an ever deeper way in your life. Call, e-mail, or write any time – all year long. Or just drop by the church or chapel for a few minutes of quiet with the Lord Jesus. Whether you are here for a visit or to stay, we pray that God in his mercy may bless you with his peace, and bring to perfection within you the spirit of divine adoption as his beloved child and a member of his holy Church. Welcome home.
In Christ,
Rev. David Angelino
Pastor, Saint Theresa Catholic Church
If you visit Sugar Land, Texas, and are looking for a tourist attraction, you might want to check out St. Theresa Catholic Church. This place has been around for years and is known for its good service and landscapes. St. Theresa Catholic Church is a great place to enjoy the moment with friends and family.
❤️You can experience happiness by going to St. Theresa Catholic Church 77498, which is located ⭐at 705 St Theresa Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77498.✅ There is the address of this place. If anything about the address, phone number, website, or fan page is wrong or has changed, please let us know… Tell us to make sure everyone knows about this favorite place. Have a good time!
Things to do at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Texas 77498
❤️ St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, TX 77498 would be a great place for you to visit,⭐ with activities and events such as✅ sacraments, confession, eucharist, confirmation, holy matrimony, holy orders, baptism, weekday morning bible study, and more…
For further information, visit their website:
Opening Hours
- Mon-Fri: 8 am – 5 pm
- Sat: 8 am – 5:30 pm
- Sun: 6 am – 3:30 pm
Nearby zip codes close to this place
- ZIP Code 77083, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77099, Houston, TX
- ZIP Code 77407, Richmond, TX
- ZIP Code 77478, Sugar Land, TX
- ZIP Code 77479, Sugar Land, TX
What do people say about St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas 77498?
- St. Theresa’s in Sugar Land has been my home for 25 years. A beautiful church with echoes of our churches prior to VII. This is a vibrant parish with a diverse membership, including young families with children and older members who have been here for years. The people are friendly and welcoming. There are many ministries available, with something for everyone. Our pastor is one of the hardest-working young priests I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. All our priests work hard to provide for the needs of the parishioners.
- I went with a friend of mine and her family, and the church is an oasis of peace and tranquility I have not experienced in other churches. Check on Google for the times of confessions and mass, both in English and Spanish. I will highly recommend this church.
- I like the environment inside this church. Even on a full day, you can feel so much peace inside, which I believe is essential to being able to have a personal moment with God. The mass is partly sung, which I’m not very fond of, but that is just my personal opinion. In this regard, I would like to point out the beautiful voices in the choir.
- These are some of the hardest-working priests in the archdiocese, with abundant opportunities for confession each week as well as a K–8 school and one of the most traditional parishes outside of the 1962 Missal parishes. Fr. Angelino is a young pastor with plenty of energy who works hard to meet the needs of this parish. I wish every parish had the heart and tenacity that this one has.
Map & Direction
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Location / Contacts
- Address : 705 St Theresa Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77498
- Phone : +1-281-494-1156
- Mail :
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