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❤️ Contemporary Arts Museum Houston in Houston, Texas 77006, United States with ⏰ hours, address, map, directions, prices, photos, ☎️ phone, reviews…One of the best tourist attractions in Texas.

Have you ever been to this place? If you haven’t gone yet, you should check it out!

About Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, TX 77006

Long-standing museum with revolving exhibitions of modern art, as well as programs & talks.

This art museum is a not-for-profit institution in the Museum District, Houston, Texas, founded in 1948, dedicated to presenting contemporary art to the public.

As a non-collecting museum, it strives to provide a forum for visual arts of the present and recent past and document new directions in art, while engaging the public and encouraging a greater understanding of contemporary art through education programs.

It was opened in 1972, in a building designed by Gunnar Birkerts.

If you visit Houston, Texas, and are looking for a tourist attraction, you might want to check out Contemporary Arts Museum Houston. This place has been around for years and is known for its good service and landscapes. Contemporary Arts Museum Houston is a great place to visit with friends and family.

❤️You can experience happiness by going to Contemporary Arts Museum Houston 77006, which is located ⭐at 5216 Montrose Blvd, Houston, TX 77006.✅ There is the address of this place. If anything about the address, phone number, website, or fan page is wrong or has changed, please let us know… Tell us to make sure everyone knows about this favorite place. Have a good time!

Best things to do at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston in Texas 77006

❤️ Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, TX 77006 would be a great place for you to visit,⭐ with the best activities and events such as✅ live performances, exhibits, merch, family-friendly, kid-friendly, and more…

Opening Hours

  • Wed-Sun: 11 am – 6 pm
  • Mon | Tue: Closed

Nearby zip codes close to this place

  • ZIP Code 77002, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77004, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77005, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77019, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77098, Houston, TX

What do people say about Contemporary Arts Museum Houston in Houston, Texas 77006?

  • Friendly staff and guards. Shows are compelling. You can go for free, but you can also contribute. There are two galleries. One is upstairs, and another is downstairs. This is a good place to cool off in the summer, and they often have kid-friendly events. They are super supportive of teens through shows, fashion shows, performances, and outreach.
  • CAMH is one of Houston’s best museums! Exhibits emphasize the now and society as a space for learning and embracing all that art has to offer.
  • This place is a non-collecting museum with exhibitions that change often. They redesign the rooms for each exhibit, so you never know what to expect when you walk in.
  • I took a group of students here for a field trip. They really enjoyed the art installation, curated by local high school artists. They also enjoyed playing “basketball” on the court!
  • I had an amazing day date with my mom and daughters. We really enjoyed the CAMH Court. The art is exciting and truly contemporary. The Teen Council exhibit downstairs was phenomenal! The amount of detail and character in each piece is outstanding. If you’re looking for a free family outing, come here. It’s also a nice place to bring a date. There’s an area outside where you could have a little picnic and then go enjoy the artwork.
  • This is one of our regular art stops. It is a great visit for experienced art connoisseurs as well as an entry point for those learning to appreciate art.
  • Such an amazing museum. And even the building itself is a work of art. A huge recommendation for locals who haven’t visited in a while as well as for out-of-towners who are looking to experience one of the best contemporary art museums in the country.

Map & Direction

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Watch more: Contemporary Arts Museum Houston on Tiktok | Contemporary Arts Museum Houston on Shorts | Contemporary Arts Museum Houston on Reel. Explore it!
Sources from happy customers: Google Business Profile | Facebook | Instagram | Yelp.

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