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❤️ Water Wall in Houston, Texas 77056, United States with ⏰ hours, address, map, directions, prices, photos, ☎️ phone, reviews…One of the best tourist attractions in Texas.

Have you ever been to this place? If you haven’t gone yet, you should check it out!

About Water Wall in Houston, TX 77056

Located in: Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park

64-foot-high semi-circular water wall

Waterwall surfaces are black obsidian aggregate

Exterior ribs are pre-cast concrete with Alamo Gray cement

The volume of water recycling in the inner fountain system is 46,500 gallons

The volume of water recycling in the outer fountain system is 35,000 gallons

An incredible 11,000 gallons of water per minute cascade down the inner and outer walls of the fountain

The total volume of water in the fountain completely recycles through a filtration system every three and a half hours

Waterwall was constructed by Harvey-Monarch Engineers and Builders

If you visit Houston, Texas, and are looking for a tourist attraction, you might want to check out Water Wall. This place has been around for years and is known for its good service and landscapes. Water Wall is a great place to unwind and enjoy the moment with friends and family.

❤️You can experience happiness by going to Water Wall 77056, which is located ⭐at 2800 Post Oak Blvd, Houston, TX 77056.✅ There is the address of this place. If anything about the address, phone number, website, or fan page is wrong or has changed, please let us know… Tell us to make sure everyone knows about this favorite place. Have a good time!

Best things to do at Water Wall in Texas 77056

❤️ Water Wall in Houston, TX 77056 would be a great place for you to visit,⭐ with the best activities and events such as✅ photo shoots, family-friendly, kid-friendly, and more…

Opening Hours

  • Mon-Sun: 8 am – 9 pm

Nearby zip codes close to this place

  • ZIP Code 77007, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77024, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77027, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77057, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77081, Houston, TX
  • ZIP Code 77401, Bellaire, TX

What do people say about Water Wall in Houston, Texas 77056?

  • The best place to visit with family, friends, children, or couples Also, it’s the best place for photo shoots, taking pictures with family, with kids, and with loved ones. This is one of the places to visit in Houston’s downtown. It’s a good view, and there is a free parking lot within 100 meters.
  • An eye-catching place. I enjoyed hearing the rushing of the water as it poured over the side of the wall. There were a lot of visitors taking epic pictures and enjoying a quick laugh as the mist from the wall dampened their clothes slightly. I plan on coming back to brink the kids so they can enjoy this and have a quick playful laugh as well.
  • Very cool piece of architecture! The walkways can be a bit slippery, so watch out. The Texas heat mixing with the warm mist from the falls sticking to you can be unpleasant. I would visit during the evening since there is little shade.
  • It’s very crowded, so if you’re trying to get a picture alone, this may be challenging. Also, it is popular during prom and graduation seasons. Despite this, the waterfall is spectacular! A must-see, right before you hit the Galleria Mall.
  • The water wall is something you don’t want to miss if you visit Houston. The park that surrounds it is magnificent. It’s huge and clean, with plenty of trees. There is a parking garage across the street for parking. The water wall up close is something I’ll never forget. On a hot day, it is so refreshing to feel the splashback of the rushing water.

Map & Direction

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