Sue Young Park in El Paso, TX 79924
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❤️ Sue Young Park in El Paso, Texas 79924, United States with ⏰ hours, address, map, directions, prices, photos, ☎️ phone, reviews…One of the best tourist attractions in Texas.
Have you ever been to this place? If you haven’t gone yet, you should check it out!
About Sue Young Park in El Paso, TX 79924
Sue Young added a splash pad and park. It is a blast for my kids. And it’s FREE! Decent seating. A good playground and really good shade. There’s a fun family event for many different age groups.
If you visit El Paso, Texas, and are looking for a tourist attraction, you might want to check out Sue Young Park. This place has been around for years and is known for its good service and landscapes. Sue Young Park is a great place to visit with friends and family.
❤️You can experience happiness by going to Sue Young Park 79924, which is located ⭐at 9730 Diana Dr, El Paso, TX 79924.✅ There is the address of this place. If anything about the address, phone number, website, or fan page is wrong or has changed, please let us know… Tell us to make sure everyone knows about this favorite place. Have a good time!
Best things to do at Sue Young Park in Texas 79924
❤️ Sue Young Park in El Paso, TX 79924 would be a great place for you to visit,⭐ with the best activities and events such as✅ splash pad, cookout shelters, kid playgrounds, family-friendly, kid-friendly, and more…
Opening Hours
- Mon-Sun: 6 am – 11 pm
Nearby zip codes close to this place
- ZIP Code 79904, El Paso, TX
- ZIP Code 79908, El Paso, TX
- ZIP Code 79934, El Paso, TX
What do people say about Sue Young Park in El Paso, Texas 79924?
- I have lots of parks in my favorites list, but this one, just like Marie Tobin Nation Park, was close to where I grew up. I have always enjoyed this park, even more now with my own children. The addition of the water park makes it that much better and fun to enjoy.
- Super excellent, 100% family atmosphere, ideal for a picnic or a birthday! It has parking and wheelchair access; there are bathrooms; and there is a lot of field!
- Great park to be with your family and friends; it has a water park for kids and for everyone—places to have cookouts and have fun.
- I suggest going early between like 9 and 10 when the park opens at 10. That way you’re able to get a table, you’re able to actually relax, and you know you can watch the kids from right there. I enjoyed it very much, as did my kids. It was very clean, way better than I expected, especially for being free.
- This is a nice city park. It has a playground area for kids and a couple of covered tables. It’s not a large park, but it’s big enough for a couple of soccer games to be played simultaneously.
- I love this park because the playground is very good; it has swings, a slide, green areas, a soccer area, and it is always clean!
- I highly recommend this park if you have children or just hate the hot El Paso sun. This park hosts one of the best splash pads on the north-east side of town. There are a few covered picnic tables and a whole lot of vast, open green space to play in.
Map & Direction
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